 * Zend Framework
 * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
 * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * @category   Zend
 * @package    Zend_Memory
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license    http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd     New BSD License
 * @version    $Id: Manager.php 24593 2012-01-05 20:35:02Z matthew $

/** Zend_Memory_Container_Movable */
require_once 'Zend/Memory/Container/Movable.php';

/** Zend_Memory_Container_Locked */
require_once 'Zend/Memory/Container/Locked.php';

/** Zend_Memory_AccessController */
require_once 'Zend/Memory/AccessController.php';

 * Memory manager
 * This class encapsulates memory menagement operations, when PHP works
 * in limited memory mode.
 * @category   Zend
 * @package    Zend_Memory
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license    http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd     New BSD License
class Zend_Memory_Manager
     * Object storage backend
     * @var Zend_Cache_Backend_Interface
    private $_backend = null;

     * Memory grow limit.
     * Default value is 2/3 of memory_limit php.ini variable
     * Negative value means no limit
     * @var integer
    private $_memoryLimit = -1;

     * Minimum value size to be swapped.
     * Default value is 16K
     * Negative value means that memory objects are never swapped
     * @var integer
    private $_minSize = 16384;

     * Overall size of memory, used by values
     * @var integer
    private $_memorySize = 0;

     * Id for next Zend_Memory object
     * @var integer
    private $_nextId = 0;

     * List of candidates to unload
     * It also represents objects access history. Last accessed objects are moved to the end of array
     * array(
     *     <id> => <memory container object>,
     *     ...
     *      )
     * @var array
    private $_unloadCandidates = array();

     * List of object sizes.
     * This list is used to calculate modification of object sizes
     * array( <id> => <size>, ...)
     * @var array
    private $_sizes = array();

     * Last modified object
     * It's used to reduce number of calls necessary to trace objects' modifications
     * Modification is not processed by memory manager until we do not switch to another
     * object.
     * So we have to trace only _first_ object modification and do nothing for others
     * @var Zend_Memory_Container_Movable
    private $_lastModified = null;

     * Unique memory manager id
     * @var integer
    private $_managerId;

     * Tags array, used by backend to categorize stored values
     * @var array
    private $_tags;

     * This function is intended to generate unique id, used by memory manager
    private function _generateMemManagerId()
         * @todo !!!
         * uniqid() php function doesn't really garantee the id to be unique
         * it should be changed by something else
         * (Ex. backend interface should be extended to provide this functionality)
        $this->_managerId = uniqid('ZendMemManager', true);
        $this->_tags = array($this->_managerId);
        $this->_managerId .= '_';

     * Memory manager constructor
     * If backend is not specified, then memory objects are never swapped
     * @param Zend_Cache_Backend $backend
     * @param array $backendOptions associative array of options for the corresponding backend constructor
    public function __construct($backend = null)
        if ($backend === null) {

        $this->_backend = $backend;

        $memoryLimitStr = trim(ini_get('memory_limit'));
        if ($memoryLimitStr != ''  &&  $memoryLimitStr != -1) {
            $this->_memoryLimit = (integer)$memoryLimitStr;
            switch (strtolower($memoryLimitStr[strlen($memoryLimitStr)-1])) {
                case 'g':
                    $this->_memoryLimit *= 1024;
                    // Break intentionally omitted
                case 'm':
                    $this->_memoryLimit *= 1024;
                    // Break intentionally omitted
                case 'k':
                    $this->_memoryLimit *= 1024;


            $this->_memoryLimit = (int)($this->_memoryLimit*2/3);
        } // No limit otherwise

     * Object destructor
     * Clean up backend storage
    public function __destruct()
        if ($this->_backend !== null) {
            $this->_backend->clean(Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG, $this->_tags);

     * Set memory grow limit
     * @param integer $newLimit
     * @throws Zend_Exception
    public function setMemoryLimit($newLimit)
        $this->_memoryLimit = $newLimit;


     * Get memory grow limit
     * @return integer
    public function getMemoryLimit()
        return $this->_memoryLimit;

     * Set minimum size of values, which may be swapped
     * @param integer $newSize
    public function setMinSize($newSize)
        $this->_minSize = $newSize;

     * Get minimum size of values, which may be swapped
     * @return integer
    public function getMinSize()
        return $this->_minSize;

     * Create new Zend_Memory value container
     * @param string $value
     * @return Zend_Memory_Container_Interface
     * @throws Zend_Memory_Exception
    public function create($value = '')
        return $this->_create($value,  false);

     * Create new Zend_Memory value container, which has value always
     * locked in memory
     * @param string $value
     * @return Zend_Memory_Container_Interface
     * @throws Zend_Memory_Exception
    public function createLocked($value = '')
        return $this->_create($value, true);

     * Create new Zend_Memory object
     * @param string $value
     * @param boolean $locked
     * @return Zend_Memory_Container_Interface
     * @throws Zend_Memory_Exception
    private function _create($value, $locked)
        $id = $this->_nextId++;

        if ($locked  ||  ($this->_backend === null) /* Use only memory locked objects if backend is not specified */) {
            return new Zend_Memory_Container_Locked($value);

        // Commit other objects modifications

        $valueObject = new Zend_Memory_Container_Movable($this, $id, $value);

        // Store last object size as 0
        $this->_sizes[$id] = 0;
        // prepare object for next modifications
        $this->_lastModified = $valueObject;

        return new Zend_Memory_AccessController($valueObject);

     * Unlink value container from memory manager
     * Used by Memory container destroy() method
     * @internal
     * @param integer $id
     * @return Zend_Memory_Container
    public function unlink(Zend_Memory_Container_Movable $container, $id)
        if ($this->_lastModified === $container) {
            // Drop all object modifications
            $this->_lastModified = null;

        if (isset($this->_unloadCandidates[$id])) {

        $this->_memorySize -= $this->_sizes[$id];

     * Process value update
     * @internal
     * @param Zend_Memory_Container_Movable $container
     * @param integer $id
    public function processUpdate(Zend_Memory_Container_Movable $container, $id)
         * This method is automatically invoked by memory container only once per
         * "modification session", but user may call memory container touch() method
         * several times depending on used algorithm. So we have to use this check
         * to optimize this case.
        if ($container === $this->_lastModified) {

        // Remove just updated object from list of candidates to unload
        if( isset($this->_unloadCandidates[$id])) {

        // Reduce used memory mark
        $this->_memorySize -= $this->_sizes[$id];

        // Commit changes of previously modified object if necessary

        $this->_lastModified = $container;

     * Commit modified object and put it back to the loaded objects list
    private function _commit()
        if (($container = $this->_lastModified) === null) {

        $this->_lastModified = null;

        $id = $container->getId();

        // Calculate new object size and increase used memory size by this value
        $this->_memorySize += ($this->_sizes[$id] = strlen($container->getRef()));

        if ($this->_sizes[$id] > $this->_minSize) {
            // Move object to "unload candidates list"
            $this->_unloadCandidates[$id] = $container;



     * Check and swap objects if necessary
     * @throws Zend_MemoryException
    private function _swapCheck()
        if ($this->_memoryLimit < 0  ||  $this->_memorySize < $this->_memoryLimit) {
            // Memory limit is not reached
            // Do nothing

        // walk through loaded objects in access history order
        foreach ($this->_unloadCandidates as $id => $container) {
            $this->_swap($container, $id);

            if ($this->_memorySize < $this->_memoryLimit) {
                // We've swapped enough objects

        require_once 'Zend/Memory/Exception.php';
        throw new Zend_Memory_Exception('Memory manager can\'t get enough space.');

     * Swap object data to disk
     * Actualy swaps data or only unloads it from memory,
     * if object is not changed since last swap
     * @param Zend_Memory_Container_Movable $container
     * @param integer $id
    private function _swap(Zend_Memory_Container_Movable $container, $id)
        if ($container->isLocked()) {

        if (!$container->isSwapped()) {
            $this->_backend->save($container->getRef(), $this->_managerId . $id, $this->_tags);

        $this->_memorySize -= $this->_sizes[$id];


     * Load value from swap file.
     * @internal
     * @param Zend_Memory_Container_Movable $container
     * @param integer $id
    public function load(Zend_Memory_Container_Movable $container, $id)
        $value = $this->_backend->load($this->_managerId . $id, true);

        // Try to swap other objects if necessary
        // (do not include specified object into check)
        $this->_memorySize += strlen($value);

        // Add loaded obect to the end of loaded objects list

        if ($this->_sizes[$id] > $this->_minSize) {
            // Add object to the end of "unload candidates list"
            $this->_unloadCandidates[$id] = $container;