<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Measure * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version $Id: Number.php 24593 2012-01-05 20:35:02Z matthew $ */ /** * Implement needed classes */ require_once 'Zend/Measure/Abstract.php'; require_once 'Zend/Locale.php'; /** * Class for handling number conversions * * This class can only handle numbers without precision * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Measure * @subpackage Zend_Measure_Number * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ class Zend_Measure_Number extends Zend_Measure_Abstract { const STANDARD = 'DECIMAL'; const BINARY = 'BINARY'; const TERNARY = 'TERNARY'; const QUATERNARY = 'QUATERNARY'; const QUINARY = 'QUINARY'; const SENARY = 'SENARY'; const SEPTENARY = 'SEPTENARY'; const OCTAL = 'OCTAL'; const NONARY = 'NONARY'; const DECIMAL = 'DECIMAL'; const DUODECIMAL = 'DUODECIMAL'; const HEXADECIMAL = 'HEXADECIMAL'; const ROMAN = 'ROMAN'; /** * Calculations for all number units * * @var array */ protected $_units = array( 'BINARY' => array(2, '⑵'), 'TERNARY' => array(3, '⑶'), 'QUATERNARY' => array(4, '⑷'), 'QUINARY' => array(5, '⑸'), 'SENARY' => array(6, '⑹'), 'SEPTENARY' => array(7, '⑺'), 'OCTAL' => array(8, '⑻'), 'NONARY' => array(9, '⑼'), 'DECIMAL' => array(10, '⑽'), 'DUODECIMAL' => array(12, '⑿'), 'HEXADECIMAL' => array(16, '⒃'), 'ROMAN' => array(99, ''), 'STANDARD' => 'DECIMAL' ); /** * Definition of all roman signs * * @var array $_roman */ private static $_roman = array( 'I' => 1, 'A' => 4, 'V' => 5, 'B' => 9, 'X' => 10, 'E' => 40, 'L' => 50, 'F' => 90, 'C' => 100, 'G' => 400, 'D' => 500, 'H' => 900, 'M' => 1000, 'J' => 4000, 'P' => 5000, 'K' => 9000, 'Q' => 10000, 'N' => 40000, 'R' => 50000, 'W' => 90000, 'S' => 100000, 'Y' => 400000, 'T' => 500000, 'Z' => 900000, 'U' => 1000000 ); /** * Convertion table for roman signs * * @var array $_romanconvert */ private static $_romanconvert = array( '/_V/' => '/P/', '/_X/' => '/Q/', '/_L/' => '/R/', '/_C/' => '/S/', '/_D/' => '/T/', '/_M/' => '/U/', '/IV/' => '/A/', '/IX/' => '/B/', '/XL/' => '/E/', '/XC/' => '/F/', '/CD/' => '/G/', '/CM/' => '/H/', '/M_V/'=> '/J/', '/MQ/' => '/K/', '/QR/' => '/N/', '/QS/' => '/W/', '/ST/' => '/Y/', '/SU/' => '/Z/' ); /** * Zend_Measure_Abstract is an abstract class for the different measurement types * * @param integer $value Value * @param string $type (Optional) A Zend_Measure_Number Type * @param string|Zend_Locale $locale (Optional) A Zend_Locale * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception When language is unknown * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception When type is unknown */ public function __construct($value, $type, $locale = null) { if (($type !== null) and (Zend_Locale::isLocale($type, null, false))) { $locale = $type; $type = null; } if ($locale === null) { $locale = new Zend_Locale(); } if (!Zend_Locale::isLocale($locale, true, false)) { if (!Zend_Locale::isLocale($locale, true, false)) { require_once 'Zend/Measure/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Measure_Exception("Language (" . (string) $locale . ") is unknown"); } $locale = new Zend_Locale($locale); } $this->_locale = (string) $locale; if ($type === null) { $type = $this->_units['STANDARD']; } if (isset($this->_units[$type]) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Measure/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Measure_Exception("Type ($type) is unknown"); } $this->setValue($value, $type, $this->_locale); } /** * Set a new value * * @param integer $value Value * @param string $type (Optional) A Zend_Measure_Number Type * @param string|Zend_Locale $locale (Optional) A Zend_Locale Type * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception */ public function setValue($value, $type = null, $locale = null) { if (empty($locale)) { $locale = $this->_locale; } if (empty($this->_units[$type])) { require_once 'Zend/Measure/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Measure_Exception('unknown type of number:' . $type); } switch($type) { case 'BINARY': preg_match('/[01]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'TERNARY': preg_match('/[012]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'QUATERNARY': preg_match('/[0123]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'QUINARY': preg_match('/[01234]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'SENARY': preg_match('/[012345]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'SEPTENARY': preg_match('/[0123456]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'OCTAL': preg_match('/[01234567]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'NONARY': preg_match('/[012345678]+/', $value, $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'DUODECIMAL': preg_match('/[0123456789AB]+/', strtoupper($value), $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'HEXADECIMAL': preg_match('/[0123456789ABCDEF]+/', strtoupper($value), $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; case 'ROMAN': preg_match('/[IVXLCDM_]+/', strtoupper($value), $ergebnis); $value = $ergebnis[0]; break; default: try { $value = Zend_Locale_Format::getInteger($value, array('locale' => $locale)); } catch (Exception $e) { require_once 'Zend/Measure/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Measure_Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) { $value = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sqrt, call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$pow, $value, 2)); } break; } $this->_value = $value; $this->_type = $type; } /** * Convert input to decimal value string * * @param integer $input Input string * @param string $type Type from which to convert to decimal * @return string */ private function _toDecimal($input, $type) { $value = ''; // Convert base xx values if ($this->_units[$type][0] <= 16) { $split = str_split($input); $length = strlen($input); for ($x = 0; $x < $length; ++$x) { $split[$x] = hexdec($split[$x]); $value = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$add, $value, call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$mul, $split[$x], call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$pow, $this->_units[$type][0], ($length - $x - 1)))); } } // Convert roman numbers if ($type === 'ROMAN') { $input = strtoupper($input); $input = preg_replace(array_keys(self::$_romanconvert), array_values(self::$_romanconvert), $input); $split = preg_split('//', strrev($input), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($x =0; $x < sizeof($split); $x++) { if ($split[$x] == '/') { continue; } $num = self::$_roman[$split[$x]]; if (($x > 0 and ($split[$x-1] != '/') and ($num < self::$_roman[$split[$x-1]]))) { $num -= $num; } $value += $num; } str_replace('/', '', $value); } return $value; } /** * Convert input to type value string * * @param integer $value Input string * @param string $type Type to convert to * @return string * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception When more than 200 digits are calculated */ private function _fromDecimal($value, $type) { $tempvalue = $value; if ($this->_units[$type][0] <= 16) { $newvalue = ''; $count = 200; $base = $this->_units[$type][0]; while (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0, 25) <> 0) { $target = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$mod, $value, $base); $newvalue = strtoupper(dechex($target)) . $newvalue; $value = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sub, $value, $target, 0); $value = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$div, $value, $base, 0); --$count; if ($count === 0) { require_once 'Zend/Measure/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Measure_Exception("Your value '$tempvalue' cannot be processed because it extends 200 digits"); } } if ($newvalue === '') { $newvalue = '0'; } } if ($type === 'ROMAN') { $i = 0; $newvalue = ''; $romanval = array_values(array_reverse(self::$_roman)); $romankey = array_keys(array_reverse(self::$_roman)); $count = 200; while (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0, 25) <> 0) { while ($value >= $romanval[$i]) { $value -= $romanval[$i]; $newvalue .= $romankey[$i]; if ($value < 1) { break; } --$count; if ($count === 0) { require_once 'Zend/Measure/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Measure_Exception("Your value '$tempvalue' cannot be processed because it extends 200 digits"); } } $i++; } $newvalue = str_replace('/', '', preg_replace(array_values(self::$_romanconvert), array_keys(self::$_romanconvert), $newvalue)); } return $newvalue; } /** * Set a new type, and convert the value * * @param string $type New type to set * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception When a unknown type is given * @return void */ public function setType($type) { if (empty($this->_units[$type]) === true) { require_once 'Zend/Measure/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Measure_Exception('Unknown type of number:' . $type); } $value = $this->_toDecimal($this->getValue(-1), $this->getType(-1)); $value = $this->_fromDecimal($value, $type); $this->_value = $value; $this->_type = $type; } /** * Alias function for setType returning the converted unit * Default is 0 as this class only handles numbers without precision * * @param string $type Type to convert to * @param integer $round (Optional) Precision to add, will always be 0 * @return string */ public function convertTo($type, $round = 0, $locale = null) { $this->setType($type); return $this->toString($round, $locale); } }